Traveling During Covid-19

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The Pandemic Traveler
The Pandemic Traveler

Why a travel piece now? Don’t you know there is a pandemic? Well I’m travelling now so you can travel later.

First things first, Covid is not political, I believe there is a Virus and it can be dangerous for some people. If you haven’t taken a science class since High School (like me, thanks Miss Mc Cann) I don’t want to hear about what you read on the Internet, but if you are actively a scientist or doctor feel free to add your thoughts.

For the people who have been effected harshly from this virus it has been devastating to you have my prayers. For the people who this has been a massive inconvenience or just a plain ole pain in the ass, this is a column for you.

The first question to ask your self is do I want to travel now, or I think it will be better to wait till there is a vaccine? If you think it’s best to wait than you should. That doesn’t make it right or wrong for anyone else but you should sit this one out for a bit. Me, my wife said back in June 2020 we have to go some place so our answer was we want to travel now. Since June I have flown to Florida Virginia Beach, Arizona, Las Vegas for vacations and driven to Grand Junction Colorado for a couple of overnight stays. Over the next few editions I will go in depth on each trip and what I (we) experienced. This post will be on what to expect and what you should do if you want to travel.

When planning a location know the current rules for that location. If you are starting from the North East U.S. the rest of the country (except Ca.) will be laxer than what you are experiencing. If you are coming from the Dakota’s, Fla, Az. the rules will be tighter than what you expect. Assume masks are mandatory everywhere, If you won’t or don’t wear a mask travel becomes problematic (when I say masks and mandatory I mean if you are indoors or closer than 6 feet away outdoors you will need a mask ((excluding restaurants)) ). Things to know are closing hours for restaurants, percentage of capacity for inside a resturant. If the state is at 25% or 50% capacity you might need a reservation for your favorite spot. Are the Bars open an what does that mean, again capacity, new drinking rules, social distancing ability, and so much more. Museums, Art exhibits, Historic spots, are they open? What are the hours? Will this fit my schedule? These are things you should/must consider if you are looking for a place to vacation. Many tourist options are open but with fewer hours but also a lot fewer people!

A lot fewer people is a key, is there a place on your list that you have always wanted to see or a restaurant that you would never think you could get into, well now is the time. My friend went to Africa and had this impossible to book experience. The Giraffe Mannor Kenya! Usually a 2 + year wait right now you can get in next week and for less than $200 USD a night.

Over the next few months, I will be posting more travel tips and also deals. I am a Travel Consultant for Creating Magic Vacations. I hope you will consider me as your advisor as well. There is never a fee to you as a client to use me. I look forward to creating the perfect vacation for you.

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